2024 Statesman Award

The Statesman Award is an award earned through the achievement of understanding basic SkillsUSA principles and ideals. Each member is given the opportunity to earn this award at a designated time at the State Conference. Further directions will be given at the Opening Ceremony at the State Conference. Below is a study guide to prepare yourself for the questions that will be asked.

Kentucky Statesmen   Requirements              

___1. Recite the SkillsUSA moto & 2024 theme.

___2.  Name all of the components of the SkillsUSA emblem & meaning of each.

___3.  Recite the six points of the creed.

___4  Recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

___5.  Recite six of the eleven purposes of SkillsUSA.

___6.  Recite the SkillsUSA pledge.

___7.  Name the SkillsUSA offices & duties of each.

___8.  Recite the parts of the opening & closing ceremony.

___9.  Name 3 items of SkillsUSA history.

__10.  Name the qualifications to become a state officer.

__11.  Name the 2023-24 state officer team members.

__12.  Name the SkillsUSA State Director.

__13.  Describe chapter of excellence.

__14.  Name 3 classifications of a motion in order of precedence.

__15.  Name the 6 steps for processing a main motion.

__16.  Define:  quorum and amendment

__17.  Name the official SkillsUSA attire for members.

__18.  Name the colors of SkillsUSA and what each represents.

__19.  Do a 20-second elevator story.

__20.  How many senators & representatives may each chapter send to conference?



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