Framework of Skills:

For Lesson Plan on Framework, please contact your director:

1) Classroom Activity Ideas: Divide students into groups, assign each section, or one area on the triangle and then have them make a presentation based on that section. Post the results on your wall. Repeat until all sections have been covered and you have the entire triangle on your wall for continual reinforcement.

2) Cover the WaterStep project with your classroom. Here are the video links: | Save lives with safe water.

A Day In The Life - YouTube or Victoria's Hope - "Safe Water Sites" - YouTube You can contact Waterstep anytime to have them conduct a Zoom presentation to your class. They are proud to be one of SkillsUSA Kentucky’s partners. Here is their contact information:

3) Play a jeopardy game with your students. Here is a link one: Find Jeopardy Games About SkillsUSA (

4) Go through Roberts Rules of Order and discuss how to properly hold a meeting and conduct parliamentary procedure: MRSC - Parliamentary Procedure: A Brief Guide to Robert's Rules of Order

5) Request a zoom meeting with our State Officer team:

6) Review the Chapter Building page: Chapter Building | SkillsUSA

7) Go through the career readiness portion of SkillsUSA: Career Readiness | SkillsUSA

8) Review the awards programs page: Awards Programs | SkillsUSA

9) Membership resources:

10) Ask for anything you need. Your state director is eager to assist and help you in any way possible. Either call her at(502) 892-6508, Ext. 4205 or email her at: